Lesser Seductions review: Sean Williams, Sean Rants

(Photo by Tyler G. Hicks-Wright. Pictured: Ingrid Nordstrom, Kelly O’Donnell)

I am so moved by Sean Williams’ response to The Lesser Seductions of History. One of the artist/producers behind Gideon Productions (Viral, Universal Robots, Hail Satan), his opinion means a great deal to me.

My favorite quote from his post brings the action of the play into the present:

I don’t want to kill you with spoilers because I really want you to see the play, but there is a moment when one character, speaking of the moon-landing, says “wasn’t all of it worth it?” and the answer, from the playwright and the production, is an unequivocal “YES”. And, referring to a different moment in the play, an hour later I said to my wife, “The man’s hands were broken beyond repair, but we elected a great man to be President. Wasn’t it worth it? Wasn’t the struggle worth it?”

That question is at the heart of the play, and I very much hope you will read Sean’s entire post, and then get your tickets, and after you’ve seen the show, please share your thoughts here.

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