All posts in Blog

Daren Taylor and The Movement Company

I just received an email from Flux Sunday participant and friend Daren Taylor about two shows his company is putting on at Strawberry. This is exciting because I’ve known Daren as a great actor, writer and collaborator; but didn’t know he was also leading a company! To find out more information about The Movement Company,…


What does that fancy pants word mean? And why does it appear as a title in a post on a theatre blog? Read on, dear reader, read on. Reading the Sunday Time Magazine, I found a fascinating article by Robin Marantz Henig on the scientific reasons for why children play. Being an adult who spend…

Trying, by Erin Browne

(This is not a picture of playwright Erin Browne, which alas I could not find. This is a picture of Elise Link, who so memorably played Belle Walker in Trying.) This last Sunday we finished reading through Erin Browne’s beautiful and sad play Trying, and due to my own chaotic running of the day, we…

Flux Sunday, February 17th

SUNDAYS ARE FOR ENDINGS Due to the chaos of casting, this particular Sunday was more disorganized than any in recent memory. But in spite of that, it held a particular power, as both Trying and Honey Fist played out their last scenes. HOW NOT TO BE SEDUCED BY YOUR OWN CHARACTERSOne of the problems I…

Flux Sunday, January 27th

FLEX IS FLUXIBLEEr…strike that, reverse it.But as our mission statement plainly states, we do value the multi-faceted theatre artist. And that flexibility was plainly on display on this particular Sunday (as it is here to the left as Cotton Wright stretches skyward as Thalia in Rue). Short on our regular dose of directors, Flux membership…

Good News from Fractured Atlas

The wonderful organization Fractured Atlas has just awarded Flux our first grant! Thanks go to Heather and Kelly for their great work on this. Onward and upward and one step at a time.

Crimes of the Heart

Isaiah here again. Hi! So, if you’re like me (and lord knows, why wouldn’t you want to be?) you listen to NPR in the shower, and as a result you’ve been deluged with ads featuring Kathleen Turner‘s sultry contralto beckoning you to see Beth Henley’s “Crimes of the Heart” at Roundabout’s 6th Avenue space, the…

Church of Want

Or a church of need. Or maybe a church of desire, if people completely forget that’s a Bon Jovi song. Or even if they don’t. What am I talking about? Well, just lately a bunch of posts from other bloggers have me thinking hard of why I do theatre and what kind of theatre I…

Beckett Shorts

Because New York Theatre Workshop’s recently closed Beckett Short’s employed two Flux members, I will not digress on the production, except to say that as this production was my first direct encounter with Baryshnikov, Akalaitis and Glass; I was absolutely grateful to have been there. However, what I can digress on freely is the plays…

Reverie Productions, "Widows"

Trilogy playwright Johnna Adams and I went to the opening of Ariel Dorfman’s Widows at Reverie Productions, and it was a wonderful opportunity to see the kind of ambitious, globally-engaged work an Indie theatre is capable of reaching for and accomplishing. HUZZAH to a company willing to premiere a play with a cast this big,…
