If I Did This, Pictures

(Photo Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Marianne Miller, Matt Archambault, John Greenleaf, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Stephen Conrad Moore)
Our 10th Food:Soul went up in style! We were thrilled to play around with EM Lewis’ fascinating, unsettling cerebral thriller, If I Did This. Director Pete Boisvert took our extreme staged reading tradition and ran with it, using props, a found set design and in the moment lighting design to flesh out the labyrinth twists of this tricky, satisfying script.
This was a special event for us – not only was it out 10th Food:Soul (wow), but the 6th anniversary of our naming party, and our first Food:Soul without the inventor and long-time leader of this program, Tiffany Clementi. She was very much missed, but Matt Archambault took the reins firmly by the hand and all went well. We were lucky to have some Flux vets in the audience to help us cast our minds back to that first F:S of Pretty Theft, and the wild naming party itself. It was particularly satisfying to celebrate those anniversaries in the sacred space of the loft in Judson Memorial Church, our partners in so much of our play development, and one of the three cradles of the Off-Off movement.
6 years, y’all. And on we go.
What follows are some juicy pics courtesy of Ken Glickfeld, but Alisha Spielmann was also on the pic-snapping job so we may have some more photos to share with you soon. Stay tuned, and thanks to Ellen, Pete, the cast,Micah and Melissa from Judson, and everyone who forwent the Olympics to join us.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Matt Archambault)
The play is primarily concerned with the fate of the mystery-writing widower, Hal Walker, and what happens when he takes a job ghost-writing for acquitted murderer Donnie Lawrence. Our hero, and his bottle of cheap scotch, contemplate what to do next.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Matt Archambault, Jane Lincoln Taylor)
Hal’s only real friend also happens to be his editor, Brett Martin, who loves him but also wouldn’t mind him actually doing his job.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Stephen Conrad Moore.)
Hal winds up entangled with the detective that investigated Donnie’s Case, the meticulous, driven Hayden Quinn.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Stephen Conrad Moore, John Greenleaf)
Donnie doesn’t take too kindly to the accusations that he murdered his wife.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: John Greeleaf, Stephen Conrad Moore, Marianne Miller, Matt Archambault)
Time and perspective start to fracture in Hal’s troubled mind…with evocative lighting design made in the moment by our wonderful director, Pete Boisvert.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Marianne Miller)
Everything hinges on what Donnie’s daughter, the enigmatic Miriam Lawrence, does and does not know.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: John Greeleaf, Stephen Conrad Moore, Marianne Miller, EM Lewis, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Matt Archambault)
Our wonderful cast, director and playwright!
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Fruit from Tatiana, Watermelon by Kelly, and Flux’s Birthday Cake)
Your obligatory Flux Food:Soul food shot.
(Photo by Ken Glickfeld. Pictured: Heather Cohn cutting cake, August Schulenburg handing it out)
The post-reading 6th birthday party for Flux! Advanced Fluxers will note this picture includes a Food:Soul picture dining icon…
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