Flux Family Feud: The Super-Answers

(Post by August Schulenburg. Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Survey questions and tallying by Matt Archambault.)

Survey says…give us the answers! Look through the actual tallies of the survey questions to remember all the heartache and elation of Flux’s 3rd Annual Family Feud: Superheroes & Supervillains Edition. Remember when the judges got real generous during that “what supervillains want” question? Or when we nearly had the Incredible Hulk as our president? And who can forget Rachael’s lightning quick answers in the fast money round? Live it all again, friends, on this cold post-Sandy Tuesday.

What superpower do you want above all others?

    1. Flight 48
    2. Teleportation 11
    3. Invisibility 9
    4. Telepathy 9
    5. Telekenesis 8
    6. Strength 5
    7. Immortality 5
    8. Time Travel 5

No superhero costume would be complete without…

  1. Cape 38
  2. Spandex/Tights 25
  3. Mask 18
  4. Utility Belt 6
  5. Logo 6
  6. Boots 4
  7. Visible Underwear 3

What do supervillains want, ultimately?

  1. Power/Rule World 41
  2. Love 14
  3. Approval/Validation 11
  4. Attention/Fame 11
  5. Peace/Greater Good 9
  6. Destruction/Chaos 8
  7. Vengeance 6

I love that Matt Trumbull thought the question was about heroes and still got the answers right.

Who was the world’s greatest actual superhero?

  1. Ghandi 31
  2. Jesus 17
  3. Mother Theresa 14
  4. MLK 12
  5. FDR 10
  6. Lincoln 8
  7. Churchill 8

The best part of this question is the passionate debate Stephanie Willing and I had about Churchill.

Which superhero would make the best president?

  1. Superman 28
  2. Captain America 24
  3. Professor X 20
  4. Batman 13
  5. Wonder Woman 9
  6. Iron Man 6

Wonder Woman in 2016!

What’s the most important personality trait for a superhero?

  1. Courage 21
  2. Goodness 19
  3. Compassion 18
  4. Honesty 11
  5. Selflessness 9
  6. Confidence 9
  7. Humor 6
  8. Humility 5

Sense of humor? Really?

The best location for a supervillain’s lair is…

  1. Underground 33
  2. Cave 19
  3. Volcano 15
  4. Underwater/Ocean 13
  5. Remote Island 7
  6. Mountain 7
  7. Space/Moon 6

I love that this many people said volcano.

What superhero would you never hire as a babysitter?

  1. Incredible Hulk 38
  2. Wolverine 25
  3. Spiderman 12
  4. Iron Man 8
  5. Batman 8
  6. Catwoman 7

What’s the best superhero film of all time?

  1. Dark Knight 21
  2. Superman 21
  3. Avengers 17
  4. Batman 13
  5. X-Men 10
  6. Incredibles 10
  7. Batman Begins 8

Which actor was the best Batman?

  1. Christian Bale 56
  2. Michael Keaton 44

What, no Val Kilmer?

Who was the world’s greatest actual supervillain?

  1. Hitler 61
  2. Genghis Kahn 10
  3. Osama Bin Laden 5
  4. Alexander the great 4
  5. Pol Pot 4
  6. Dick Cheney 4
  7. George W. Bush 4
  8. Joseph Stalin 4
  9. Bernie Madoff 4

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