Flux Sunday, 12/15/13

(What is Flux Sunday?)

A peaceful Flux Sunday before the holidays saw the playfully haunting conclusion of Katherine Burger’s Down The Rushy Glen, sandwiched between 9 hours of rehearsal for the next Have Another.

Playwrights:  Katherine Burger (Down the Rushy Glen), August Schulenburg (Be Happy Be Happy Be Happy)

Actors: Adriana Jones, Jane Lincoln Taylor, Heather Cohn, David Crommett, Marielle Duke, Nandita Shenoy, Heather Lee Rogers, Alex Engquist, Daryl Lathon

Highlights included:

– David Crommett returned to Flux Sunday, and gave a brilliantly fun read of the sadness guru Enkidu in Be Happy–the word puppy will never sound the same again.

-The creepy-satisfying conclusion of Down the Rushy Glen, including Adriana’s haunted Elspeth

-Nandita and Jane taking turns at the hard-boiled Moskha in Be Happy

This may be the last Flux Sunday before 2014…and if so, it went gently into that good night, but not for long…

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