Flux Sunday, 1/11/15

(Post by August Schulenburg Photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum.)
Our 2015 return to Flux Sunday was exciting for many reasons: we were back in the friendly confines of Judson Memorial Church, we welcomed back old friends like Rob Ackerman and Katie Lawson, met several several new participants, and continued having other Fluxers run Flux Sundays (and I try not to backseat drive). Isaiah did a great job of leading us through a very full three hours of plays, and Mercena did a great job of being a theatre baby (can you spot her photo bomb in one of the photos below?)
Playwrights: Rob Ackerman (The Talk, Uncles and Ants), Johnna Adams (Unenlightened), August Schulenburg (Taina and Marvin); Roland Tec (Plan B)
Directors: Heather Cohn, Colleen Hughes, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Christine Zagrobelny
Actors: Dara O’Brien, Jen Kipley, Ken Glickfeld, Sarah Amandes, Katie Lawson, Alexis Thomason, Heather Lee Rogers, Margie Catov, Jeanette Bonner
Highlights Included:
- The gender bending brilliance of Jen and Dara in Rob’s The Talk brought a beautiful energy and complexity to a play written for father and son, here, envisioned as mother and daughter (and it worked beautifully!). Jen and Dara really nailed the rhythm of the scene (and Rob’s kinetic dialogue needs the right rhythm);
- Johnna’s brilliantly funny Unenlightened combined many threads of her work–the unusual communities of plays like Oneida, the verse of plays like Lickspittles, and the suburban-rot wit of Nurture–into a dizzying brew (more scenes, please);
- Katie, Ken and Heather finding the jagged restraint in a scene that could be over-played in my Taina and Marvin;
- Seeing Roland’s enigmatic heroine of Plan B reflected through two very different yet equally engaging performances from Sarah and Alexis.
Some more pics from Isaiah, including a #mercenaphotobomb for the attentive eye to spy…
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