Flux Sunday, 3/1/15

(Post by August Schulenburg, iPhone photos by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Matthew Trumbull, Jennifer Kipley.

(What is Flux Sunday?)

Our third Flux Sunday at the wonderful Loisaida Center kicked off with Isaiah filming a read-through of the first FluxForward pages submitted to us thus far, from Adam Szymkowicz’s gender-bending Robin Hood play (yup, just as much fun as you might imagine). We also marked the happy return of Marielle and Nandita from far-away places, and we welcomed first-timer Monet Hurst-Mendoza, who brought a gorgeous new play into the mix. From cross-dressing archers to angel kisses, from bondage Barbies to the human genome to Airbnb hi-jinks…this was another Flux Sunday.

Playwrights: Marielle Duke (The World to Come), Monet Hurst-Mendoza (Scratch),  Adam Szymkowicz (Robin Hood), Roland Tec (Plan B), Jason Tseng (AirBnB)

Directors: August Schulenburg, Christine Zagrobelny

Actors: Nandita Shenoy, Jeanette Bonner, Jennifer Kipley, Ken Glickfeld, Isaiah Tanenbaum, Dara O’Brien, Stephanie Willing, Matthew Trumbull, Sarah Amandes and Chester Poon.

Highlights included:

  • Matthew Trumbull and Jennifer Kipley’s lovely and sad duet of near-connection in Marielle’s (The World to Come).
  • Jason Tseng shadow boxing in Monet’s Scratch…’nuff said.
  • Jeanette Boner tearing it up as a fawning Francine meeting a legend in Roland’s Plan B.
  • Isaiah’s sweetly amused and probably-a-little-too-open-for-his-own-good Airbnb host in Jason’s Airbnb.

If you were there, what arrows hit your target?

And more fun photos from Isaiah…

plan b

(Ken and Nandita have a fight about saving the world in Plan B.)


(Oh, just another picture of Stephanie using her special skill of telekinesis.)

Robin Hood

(Prince John is realizing that good help is hard to find in Adam’s Robin Hood.)

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