Lesser Seductions review: Jon Sobel, Blogcritics

(Photo by Tyler G. Hicks-Wright. Pictured: Ingrid Nordstrom, Christina Shipp)

The first review is out, and it’s a good one, drawing on Our Town (a clear ancestor for the play), the history of the 1960’s and our past production of Pretty Theft.

An example:

The Flux Theatre Ensemble is known for ambitious productions. Their superb Pretty Theft, for example, was big and sprawling too, though not to this extent. As in Pretty Theft, multiple storylines play out simultaneously on one stage. Eleven precisely drawn characters dance through the decade, illustrating through a quick succession of mostly short scenes their own messy dreams and devastations, while shouldering the zeitgeist they are also asked to embody. They become real to us while representing movements and ideas as well. It’s a heavy load but Schulenburg’s writing is pointed enough, and the players deft enough, to carry it with seeming ease, and they rivet our attention for two-plus hours.
Jon Sobel, Blogcritics

Read the whole review, and then get your tickets, and after you’ve seen the show, please share your thoughts here. And thanks again to everyone who made it to opening weekend!

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