All posts tagged Review

DEINDE Review: Doug Strassler, New York Press

DEINDE Review: Doug Strassler, New York Press

Photo by Justin Hoch at Pictured: David Ian Lee and Alyssa Simon. Post by August Schulenburg. Doug Strassler is one of Flux’s oldest and most trusted reviewers, and it has been wonderful tracking his rise in stature. Currently, he’s reviewing for New York press, and he has a great review of DEINDE up –…

DEINDE Review: That Sounds Cool, Aaron Riccio

DEINDE Review: That Sounds Cool, Aaron Riccio

Our first review is out! Aaron Riccio, whose voice we missed at Menders, is back  (and happily reviewing at full steam again – recent months had seen his essential site, That Sounds Cool, on a bit of a seeming slow down). I would say it is mostly positive, with the cast and design team winning…

Jacob’s House Response: Michael Roderick, BroadwayWorld

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Jessica Angleskhan) How did we miss this? Producer Michael Roderick wrote about Jacob’s House as part of his Triple Threat Roundup on BroadwayWorld. Along with shout outs for Maeutic’s Barrier Island (aka, the show I’m going to kick myself most for missing) and (new to me) Active Theatre Company’s…

Jacob’s House Review: Doug Strassler, OffOffOnline

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Zack Calhoon, Anthony Wills Jr.) Doug Strassler’s review for OffOffOnline is up, and while he has reservations about the play, he recommends the production (and shouldn’t you take his advice, oh reader?) Doug is another critic highly valued by Flux, with Jacob’s House his third review of our work….

Jacob’s House Review: Patricia Contino, Flavorpill

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Matthew Archambault, Kelli Dawn Holsopple) Flavorpill’s review is out, and it is short but happily sweet! My favorite quote is easy, as the final two lines have it: “Combining a dysfunctional family with old-time religion and mythic America makes for rich metaphors and juicy theatre. Flux wrestled outside forces…

Jacob’s House Review: Laurence Klavan, The Jewish Daily Forward

(Photo: Justin Hoch @ Pictured: Jane Lincoln Taylor) Every once in a awhile, you actually come close to that perfect review you wrote in your head to calm your nerves and help you sleep; it’s positive, of course, but more importantly, it makes you feel the whole of the play has been fully felt,…

Jacob’s House Review: The Happiest Medium

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Jane Lincoln Taylor, Zack Calhoon, Bianca LaVerne Jones, Anthony Wills Jr.) In a recession, value counts more than ever, so the good folks over at The Happiest Medium have come up with a great idea – two reviews for the price of one! With their new feature, 4 cents,…

Jacob’s House Response: James Comtois, Jamespeak

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Jessica Angleskhan, Zack Calhoon, Jane Lincoln Taylor) Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, New Hampshire’s favorite son James Comtois weighs in on Jacob’s House! And how can you top this for an opener? “Flux Theatre Ensemble’s latest production, Jacob’s House, is an Americanized retelling of…

Jacob’s House Review: Toby Thelin, Theatre Knights (&Daze)

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Jessica Angleskhan, Zack Calhoon, Isaiah Tanenbaum) Flux is very lucky: we have now developed a relationship with critics and artist-bloggers that stretches over multiple shows to create a shared body of call and response. Toby Thelin has now seen 6 Flux shows – from the 3 plays of the…

Jacob’s House Review: Martin Denton,

(Photo: Justin Hoch at Pictured: Tiffany Clementi, Matthew Archambault) At long last’s Martin Denton attended a Flux show! We’ve been wooing him for a long time, and as readers of this blog know, we’re big fans of all he does for our theatre community. I’m thrilled that Matthew Archambault, Zack Calhoon, Jane Taylor,…
