Photo from the 2019 Core Work gathering at Little Pond by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Core Work was the name we gave to a transformational gathering at Little Pond, and to the community who joined those conversations from afar. Now it’s a working title for something new that is also a return to some things that are…
Post by Corinna Schulenburg, with a bunch of words from Emily Hartford. Every year, Flux Theatre Ensemble holds our week-long Annual Retreat at Little Pond in Nazareth, PA. This year was different. Flux has been experiencing quite a bit of change over the past few years, and we’ve been doing a lot of thinking and…
Day Four–our final Core Work day together, began with Corinna Schulenburg;’s meditation exercise, Keeping and Letting Go. This was a wonderful chance to slow down and reflect on the past few days, as Corinna led us through each milepost of Core Work so far—inviting us to look over those moments, to decide what to keep and carry with…
Photo by Isaiah Tanenbaum. Post by Emily Hartford (with light edits from Corinna Schulenburg). For our our warm-up, Isaiah Tanenbaum led a walking tag game where we took on the names of animals, and to avoid being tagged as we were approached by the person who was “it,” we had to call out the name of…
Photo by Isiah Tanenbaum. Pictured: Corinna Schulenburg and Anna Rahn. Day Two of Flux’s 2019 Core Work at Little Pond was our first full day, and it was overflowing. Jason Tseng led us in a “tiny dance” warmup that grew in mischievous gravity until we were all pin-balling (safely) around the Great Room. We were committed this…
The above spell created by Jason Tseng as part of Emily Hartford’s devising process. Post by Corinna Schulenburg. Day One of Flux’s 2019 Core Work began with the Creative Partners arriving at the Little Pond Arts Retreat and setting to work. As Emily Hartford, Rachael Hip-Flores, and I (Corinna Schulenburg) swept out the old horse…
Photo by Heather Cohn. Post curated by Corinna Schulenburg. Ever since Flux co-created the Breathe Free performances with New Sanctuary Coalition, we’ve been committed to showing up for them regardless of whether there’s a specific artistic project involved. The need is dire and we must hold ourselves accountable to using our citizenship in solidarity with…
by Isaiah Tanenbaum Author’s note: RAGE PLAY, Nandita Shenoy‘s FluxForward commission, is about to enter a new phase in its development: a staged reading on May 6th, produced in conjunction with En Garde’s Uncommon Voices program (get your tickets here!). I had a chance for a quick e-interview with Nandita about where her darkly funny play came…
Photo of Neo Cihi (facing us) and Lori Parquet by Justin Hoch. The following note was included in the program of Operating Systems and was written by Gus Schulenburg. Flux has always loved transitions. We lavish as much attention on what happens between scenes as we do the scenes themselves. We’ll use a transition to…
Hey there, playwright of Operating Systems coming at you with 10 quick reasons why I hope you’ll see our upcoming production (Living Tickets here). 1 It’s the first play I wrote after coming out to myself as a trans woman. 2 There is a dance scene involving Princess Nokia. 3. Neo Cihi is so wonderful as…
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